It was a pleasure to co host the Melbourne HubSpot Usergroup this month with Soumya Rao from Connect labs, Topic of conversation was all things sales and marketing alignment.
With over 25 people coming along to enjoy the night, the highlight was having General Manager of Workflowmax Tim Dowling "showing off" how they have used it HubSpot so well to align their sales and marketing teams. They have in fact used so that well they won the award for product-adoption at this year's Inbound Event.
The agenda for the evening was as follows.
- 6:00 - 6:20 Networking and Drinks
- 6:20 - 6:50 Presentation: Sales & Marketing Alignment from Tim Dowling Workflowmax
- 6:50 - 7:10 Tools that can help with your Sales & Marketing
- 7:10 - 7:40 Live Q&A with HubSpot Customers
- 7:40 - 8:00 Drinks and more chats

Tim Dowling started off the evening talking about how Workflowmax has made the most out of HubSpot, and a major feature COS "Content Optimization System" and understanding the buyers journey.
- Why marketing Automation
- What we have done
- Aligning Sales and Marketing
I was lucky enough to be up next to talk all new things HubSpot from the recent Inbound conference in Boston. Following on from Tim was a great introduction on how they have used such tools as Predictive Lead Scoring to really nail the sales process.
We then had a Q&A panel with some amazing questions and answers from the great team below.
Annamaria Montagnese
Cloud Success Manager, MailGuard Pty. Ltd
Elise Penton
Design & Communications Coordinator, Education Institute
Alex Chapman
Co-creator, TOP (Totally Optimized Projects)
One of the great stories is what you do when you have too much content? Would you start from scratch or migrate? Another great lesson is CRM does it need to work or be complex. I think HubSpot has nailed this with their CRM as is it so simple to use and yet very powerful.
Key Take always:
- 10,000 Customers with only 4 sales staff means sales and marketing must be talking regularly,
- Measure measure measure if you cannot measure it why even do it?
- Understand your ideal client
- Learn the customer journey and own it.
If you would like to Download a copy of the full presentation please visit the following click on the following link. Presentation
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