Welcome back readers to part 6 of our series which covers lead generation from the ground up, today we’ll be focusing on increasing the retention rate of newly acquired leads; the more we focus on nurturing these leads the less we have to spend on cost per acquisition for new leads.
- Attracting the right customer
- Communication
- Good team, good sales.
Step 1: Attracting the right customer
Gone are the days when a marketer could pull in all of the leads under the sun and ‘hope for the best’, marketing has become so competitive that we now need to take a much more structured and cost effective approach in the ways we are attracting our current client base. There is no point in paying for an acquisition of a lead; if that leads turns out to be cold. You should be profiling your data as much as possible to ensure you are aware of what your ideal hot lead constitutes. The trouble is that not all traffic is going to be of equal value. In fact, unless you discover how to attract exactly the right type of visitor to your site, the chances that you are going to see the results you expect are pretty slim. Thankfully, there is a process than you can use to attract the right type of traffic.
Profiling your leads into data sets
Do you know what your ideal customer is? Have you conducted feedback with your current database to acertain their current business needs? If not, you should implement these steps as soon as possible as it will allow you to segment your data in the following way:
- Gender
- Income
- Profession and seniority level
- Age
- What issues do they need solved?
- Education
As they say, data is king, the more data you have on your prospective leads the more data based decisions you can make.
Location of your ideal customer
Through the use of data collection you should be able to ascertain various location based data about your current lead prospects; such as GEO targeting, online browsing habits etc. Spending time to understand your target market and where they go to find solutions for their current business issues, will ensure you have a great head start with inbound marketing techniques.
Quality content
It goes without saying, the more valuable the information or product that you produce, the more inclined your lead will be to flow down the sales funnel. Producing the highest quality content will not only position yourself as a market leader but it will give you a great platform for ‘social sharing’ which in turn will produce more high quality leads.
Step 2: Communication
Customer communication is paramount in all forms of online marketing; a reputation can be made or destroyed overnight.
You should always have you fingers on the pulse when it comes to your current client database, this includes taking on board criticism, feedback and further product suggestions. You customers are you no.1 asset in terms of product development and improvement, use them wisely to greatly increase your lead acquisition.
Step 3: Good team, Good sales
Attracting the perfect inbound marketing team is and always will be the key to your success. The first step of this process is understanding the fundamentals of the right kind of people you want to attract? This may be based on the product you offer, perhaps you would like a specialist of this particular type of product on your team, or perhaps you’re looking for a team member that is good at high pressured sales.
It goes without saying, all of your staff should be motivated, energised and positive about their work environment and what they can achieve within that environment, a bad apple can ruin a batch. As the business leader you will be best positioned to make informed decisions on who and how you want to attract into your business, often taking a closer look at the competition in the industry can give you valuable insight into how various teams work together.
We hope you have enjoyed part 6 in our series of lead marketing. As always we hope this has helped you in Increasing retention of your new customers, should you have any questions at all, and then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the Synx team who will be more than happy to help. If you're really interested in some more tips on how to generate more leads into your sales pipeline download your copy of 30 greatest SAAS Lead Generation tips tricks and ideas.
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