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Promoting Your Real Estate Marketing with Mobile Apps

Written by Charles McKay | 19 May 2015


As an agent for real estate, you find yourself moving time and again. This may be necessitated by your clients requiring the latest listings, making in-person visits or calls to close deals or even meeting with leads. These tasks can take up time to complete, which you could use to improve and monitor your real estate marketing.

You might need to schedule and analyse posts on social media, fill out monthly expense reports or even determine effectiveness of your email marketing. A good number of mobile apps are available to afford you convenience in executing such actions while on the go. The ones listed below enable you to work simultaneously with current clients, secure new business and nurture qualified leads.

  • Hootsuite 
  • Google Hangouts
  • Evernote
  • Facebook Real Estate App
  • Pintrest and Instagram
  • Dropbox

Step 1: Hootsuite

This mobile app is free to download and is available to both Android and iOS users. It enables you to conduct tracking publishing and publishing actions on social media. Just set up tweets, social messages and posts on the go then monitor their metrics. By doing so, Hootsuite updates you on the effectiveness of your social media marketing (SMM) campaign while out of office.   

Step 2: Google Hangouts

Video conferencing with leads, clients and colleagues becomes easy when using Google Hangouts. Real estate is among the few industries in which professionals remain on call almost all the time. You can spare some time to interact with prospective homebuyers if out of town or on the go. As a real estate agent, you can constantly keep in touch with both your current and potential clients. 

Step 3: Evernote

The mobile app Evernote which is available on Android and iOS consolidates into one location essential work notes and documents. It gives you power to record audio messages, quickly enter tags for finding notes and share important documents with clients and colleagues. This free app also enables you to sync notes across multiple gadgets too, helping you easily complete your tasks while on the move. You benefit from knowing relevant user-information such as what kinds of homes they seek to buy using this mobile app.

Step 4: Facebook Real Estate App

Dealers in property, brokers and real estate agents stand to gain greatly by utilizing the industry-specific app for real estate which Facebook offers. It affords users the ability of uploading property photos, which you can then exhibit on your business page to instantly generate leads. You gain the ability of listing properties via RSS feed located at your website. These get displayed in organized manner and look attractive and help to highlight important physical features such as room and location. The main advantage with this Facebook real estate app is its easy self-installation and navigation. You only require making few simple clicks in order to share information with potential leads.    

Step 5: Pinterest and Instagram

Pinterest and Instagram feature amazing mobile apps which allow users to capture photos within the app then directly upload it to your account situated on their website. The action makes it expedient posting photos of favourite properties and places on social media. You can as well employ hashtags for marketing your real estate content on these platforms. It enables you extend reach beyond the individuals following you onto potential clients seeking for content related to the subject.


Step 6: Dropbox

Pinterest and Instagram feature amazing mobile apps which allow users to capture photos within the app then directly upload it to your account situated on their website. The action makes it expedient posting photos of favourite properties and places on social media. You can as well employ hashtags for marketing your real estate content on these platforms. It enables you extend reach beyond the individuals following you onto potential clients seeking for content related to the subject.

If you're really interested in some more tips on how to generate more leads into your sales pipeline download your copy of Inbound ebook for real estate


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