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The 40% rule how it applied to the OxFam 100km

Written by Charles McKay | 19 Apr 2016

 You may or may not know I recently participated in the fantastic OxFam 100KM walk. One of my good friends, Jonathon Rolley, whose business is Direct Response Media, had invited me along to join the team. The team consisted of Jonathon Rolley, Lily Hopkinson also from DRM, Matthew Hurle from Tribe and me.


The morning before we started our walk one of DRM’s clients sent through this article. The article is called "40 percent rule navy seal secrete mental toughness". I recommend that you take a look at it; it will show you what is possible and how many of us hit a wall and then never actually have a crack and push through it.

In the photo below from the left, Lily Hopkinson, Jonathon Rolley and Matthew Hurle.

I can apply this to a lot of my life; many times I have hit a wall, whether it is back in my athletic days, challenges I had at school being dyslexic and now in business. Life is not meant to be easy but it’s most definitely worth making the most of it.

I know that I have cracked through that wall a few times and it feels amazing when you do. When you think you’re done and one part of your mind says you’re done, the second part says “no, fuck that, have a proper crack at it” and then whammy, you break through that barrier that has been holding you back. Well, I would say that 80% of the time I know which one I would choose. What one do you choose? I know for a fact that anything I am challenged with and I accept the challenge, I will deliver the goods.

Yep we all know what our faults are and then we click back into default mode. But, if you had to do something that could change your life, what limits can you reach and to what level are you underachieving in life?

Special mention to Matthew Hurle for this little clip of our experience.


The key takeaways from the experience would be below.

The 40% rule- you only really get going once you hit it.
I got a note from a past Walker, "The walk does not start until 70km" and how right he was.
It's amazing the power of a good attitude
Sticking together as a team
Doing something for the greater good of the world, we are blessed in this great country I'm very grateful for everything I have in life.
Environmental Hygiene - if you would like to know more watch the video above!!
Thank you to the DRM team for organizing this great event, for the fellow walking team also what a great experience, and I hope I didn't drive you too crazy!!!. Special mention to our DRM Support crew Laura, & Emma, Jordan and Jess for the food coma.


If you are looking for a team building event or something to just challenge you and your mates, then this is for you. I know I will remember this for a long time to come. If you're passionate about what you're doing and believe in yourself, then go and get whatever you want in life, don't wait for the golden handshake as its never going to come. To your success